The Quarry is a horror narrative adventure game developed by Supermassive games. The game, which aims at exposing the injustices in our judicial systems, begins with an encounter between Laura and Max (recruited as Summer camp Counselors), who are on their way to Hackett’s Quarry, get into an accident, and their car shoves deep into the woods. The Sheriff asks them to stay in a motel for the night, but they refuse and decide to drive to the Quarry. Two months later, they meet seven young counselors: Abigail, Dylan, Emma, Jacob, Kaitlyn, Nick, and Ryan, who are closing the Quarry due to Summer’s end. This plan is interrupted. They are forced to stay behind because Jacob, dumped by his lover Emma, wanted to stay another night just to woe her back. The teens decide to keep them company and go on a partying spree: drinking beer and playing ‘Truth and dare.’ They adamantly refuse to hinder Chris Hackett’s advice on staying put inside the lodge, and lock themselves inside for the night.
The tension worsens when Abigal and Jacob storm out of the party and into the woods after Emma kisses Nick, Abigail’s boyfriend, during the gameplay. The other players follow them out and into the woods, where they find monsters and have to either fight for their lives or die. The characters have to make decisions fast if they have to survive. When they return to the camp lodge, they try to reach out for help from outside, but there is an abrupt power blackout and loss of internet. All these characters have different capabilities, traumas, and coping mechanisms. The choices players make as the game proceeds continue to shape the narratives. The characters may survive or die depending on the choices that they make. Eliza, the fortune teller, reads tarot cards collected by a player throughout the game. This calls for occasional intermission throughout the play. The main objective is for a player to rewind the death once completing the first round of the game. The death rewind mechanism is meant to bring some characters back to life to avoid the game ending prematurely.
Laura opens up about Travis Hackett, the Sherrif, who happens to be Chris’s brother and had earlier imprisoned her and Max for two months without charges. This was before they met the seven counselors at the hackett’s Quarry. They also learn about werewolf, a disease spread through biting, and that chris’ children transformed into werewolves every month. They also discover that the entire Sheriff’s family is infected. This could only be revoked if the infected persons were murdered; therefore, laura plans to kill Chris and set out on a mission to Hackett’s to find Chris. A fight erupts, and the game ends with police investigators arriving at the scene of the crime to establish the cause and arrest the culprits